Do you measure the impacts of bad data? How do you fight poor data quality? Discover at which level you are in the management of the data quality by completing this quick quiz! Quiz - Data Quality - Where are you standing? Quiz - Data Quality - Where are you standing?Do you measure the impacts of bad data? How do you fight poor data quality? Discover at which level you are in the management of the data quality by completing this quick quiz! Start the quiz!press Enter Data Quality - state of your database How many contacts do you have per account, on average? 1 to 2 contacts 3 to 5 contacts 6 to 7 contacts 8 contacts or more Do you consider that your database is enriched enough for your Marketing actions? 1 2 3 4 1. Not at all; 2. Not enough; 3. Enough; 4. Yes, more than enough! What percentage of your database is obsolete (unusable contacts)? More than 50% Between 25% and 30% Between 10% and 25% Less than 10% I have no idea Data Quality - processes implemented GDPR: what processes have you made available to your contacts in the database in relation to the management of their data? A communications preference center Automated contact data access Automated contact data deletion Campaigns / processes allowing easy access to the rectification of data by the contact Not any processes Select all processes implemented On average, how often is your contact data updated? Every... 1 Number of months Do you think your sales teams spends a lot of time entering data manually? 1 2 3 4 5 1. no time 2. not a lot of time 3. normal time 4. a lot of time 5. way too much time Do your salespeople feel that they have a high-quality database (enriched and up-to-date)? 1 2 3 4 1. Not at all 2. Not enough quality 3. Enough quality 4. More than enough quality Votre Email * If you are human, leave this field blank. NextSee my results Use Shift+Tab to go back Quizzes data qualitymarketing strategy Posted 15 August 2023 By Vincent Vincent is a Marketing Automation consultant at Merlin/Leonard and a certified Marketo expert. He helps his clients set up their marketing campaigns and accompanies them on their Marketing Automation projects. He is Merlin/Leonard's main trainer. View all posts by Vincent Post navigation Data Quality: Did you know?Are you ready for Marketo?