Data Quality & Marketo

Marketo Office Hours - 15/01/21

50mn   Medium Level

This session was dedicated to Data Quality & Marketo. Sylvain guides us through the main campaigns implemented at Merlin/Leonard, to fight this eternal plague.

If you still have doubts about dealing with this hydra, this article should convince you.

Data Quality Marketo at the form level

Protection of Marketo forms against generic emails

You can decide to only accept emails with a professional domain with a little magic (and scripting) in the Marketo forms.

Protection of forms against bogus phone numbers

Similarly, it is possible to prevent a person from entering a phone number such as “0102030405”, or any other suspicious string of characters.

Competitor management

Convenient so that your competitors don’t download all your content, or sign up for your events. They are recognized and managed in a particular way. It’s up to you to define it 😉

Data Quality Marketo at the campaign level

Enriching civility

It is possible to automatically deduce the civility of a person, who has just entered a form, from his first name. This works well for 75% of “safe” first names (not like Dominique)

Likewise, we can deduce for example the decisional character of a person from his “job title”, or his department.

So much data that we don’t have to ask the visitor or the CRM user.

Country correction

Eternal subject, the bad values in the lists of values. Quite often, the same “bad” values come up. Identify them as soon as they are entered inMarketo and replace them with the right value.

This type of campaign is valid for any field with “stopped” data for which the acceptable values are in a fixed list.

Data Quality Marketo at the level of data enrichment

Professional / personal email management with CaptainVerify

This is a multi-step system that we have at Merlin/Leonard. When a person enters a form, we call CaptainVerify to get information on the validity of the email entered (invalid / email trap / personal email / generic email…) then we historicize this email in a Personal Email field if it falls in this case. The next step below, allows to get the pro email.

Enrichment with

For some interesting contacts (hot, or attached to certain campaigns), a call to will enrich the contact + account form with a lot of data.

The idea is once again to avoid asking the visitor for information that can be collected elsewhere.

Data Quality Marketo at the database level

Deleting contacts in Marketo and Salesforce

We have a campaign running to detect deletions of people in Salesforce and replicate them in Marketo so we don’t have inconsistencies.

Deduplication with Cloudingo

Cloudingo can detect similar contacts or accounts up to a certain threshold and automate the merging of these contacts or accounts. No more duplicate detection and manual deduplication!

Import of contacts in Marketo or Salesforce

I show you the best practices of list imports in Marketo or Salesforce.

Marketo Office Hours

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Posted By Sylvain

For the past 20 years, Sylvain has been choosing and assembling the best technologies for his key account clients, to help them create a successful end-to-end customer experience. Surely the Leonard of the team, he is a fan - and expert - of Marketo! He sits next to his clients, drives them forward and makes Marketing Automation projects succeed with his team.