Assess your knowledge on data quality management. Do you know why it is important to deal with this subject within marketing? Quiz - Data Quality - Did you know? Quiz - Data Quality - Did you know?Assess your knowledge on data quality management. Do you know why it is important to deal with this subject within marketing? Start the quiz!press Enter Q1. What percentage of informed contacts are obsolete in a CRM and B2B Marketing database? * 10% of contacts are obsolete 25% of contacts are obsolete 45% of contacts are obsolete 65% of contacts are obsolete Q2. Ideally, how many contacts should a B2B database have per account? * 1 to 2 contacts 3 to 5 contacts 5 to 7 contacts 8 contacts or more Hint: decision circles have X to X contacts Q3. What percentage of the total data in a database changes at least every 12 months in a company? * 10% 30% 50% 80% Hint: this data includes address, turnover, activity, workforce, telephone number, etc. Q4. A task carried out with erroneous data incurs an additional cost compared to a task carried out using verified and correct data. What is this additional cost? * a cost 2 times higher a cost 10 times higher a cost 50 times higher a cost 100 times higher Hint: it is better to have verified and correct data 😉 Q5. What percentage of sales reps believe the data they use is outdated? * 20% of sales reps 40% of sales reps 60% of sales reps 80% of sales reps Hint: 69% of sales reps believe they spend too much time entering data Votre Email * If you are human, leave this field blank. NextSee my results Use Shift+Tab to go back Quizzes data qualitymarketing strategy Posted 15 August 2023 By Vincent Vincent is a Marketing Automation consultant at Merlin/Leonard and a certified Marketo expert. He helps his clients set up their marketing campaigns and accompanies them on their Marketing Automation projects. He is Merlin/Leonard's main trainer. View all posts by Vincent Post navigation [Infographic] – the goals of conversational marketingData Quality: where are you standing?