
All our Posts on Marketo, digital marketing, customer experience…

  • The 5 ingredients for a successful emailing

    Our advice

    When he wrote to Vivian to win her heart, Merlin did not praise his…

  • Practicing Marketo without training: the 10 mistakes of the layman

    The basics

    Are you a digital native and understand any new interface you come across very…

  • How to get trained and learn all about Marketo

    Our advice

    Your company has chosen Marketo and we congratulate it! You are about to discover…

  • Quiz: Evaluate the level of digital marketing maturity of your company

    Our advice

    What is your digital marketing maturity level? How do you know if your company…

  • Delivering on commitments: SunTseu and the genesis of the customer experience

    My testimony

    It’s sometimes hard to trust someone at first, especially if they are a potential…

  • Marketing automation without strategy is only ruin… of the weapon!

    Our advice

    The royal way to crash your digital marketing: bet everything on the marketing automation…

  • How to build your marketing budget in 2019?

    Our advice

    With Leonard, we decided to launch remote workshops (the famous webinars) around our approach…

  • Little Leonard’s Encyclopedia #3: Content Marketing

    Our advice

    Doing inbound marketing without first defining a content marketing strategy is a bit like…

  • Put a turbo in your marketing engine with lead nurturing

    Our advice

    On October 16th of this year, the intelligent marketing automation solution provider Plezi gave…

  • Monster infographic: CRM nightmares!

    Our explanations

    You dreamt about it again last night… Hordes of zombie duplicates were attacking you,…

  • Maturity of B2B digital marketing: the “Demand Generation” (4/7)

    Our advice

    Here, at last, is the continuation of the journey towards B2B digital marketing maturity!…

  • Artificial intelligence Marketing automation: the solution to overcome the last obstacles

    Our point of view

    Your progress on the path to digital maturity has allowed you to align sales…